Physician Coaching Insights

A PCI Grad’s view on mentoring and coaching for physicians

in Physician Coaching Insights

Congratulations to our recent PCI grad Dr Emilie Belley-Cote who published an article on Kevin highlighting the differences between mentoring and coaching. This is an important distinction, as  many of our students have been mentors and mentees, and now are learning the new skill set and mindset of coaching. Coaching and mentorship are important for all physicians, […]

To be a coach, physicians have to let go of being “the fixer”

in Physician Coaching Insights

We just launched our September Cohort of the Certified Physician Development Coach program. (What a great group!) Many of them are continuing into this advanced training after having completed our Healthcare Peer Coaching Fundamentals course. Of the many qualities I appreciate about our cohorts, one is their willingness to be learners again after mastering their […]

Physician Coaching resources: where to start with an internal coaching program

in Physician Coaching Insights

When developing coaching resources for an organization, starting with a pilot is a common approach. Here are the three coaching offerings that we recommend, based on the experience of our graduates who serve as “internal coaches” in their organization. 1. Single coaching session: An “on request”session that of 30-45 minutes. For some physicians this might […]

Healthcare Peer Coaching Fundamentals™ program receives AAFP CME approval.

in Physician Coaching Insights

Physician Coaching Institute (PCI) is proud to announce that our Healthcare Peer Coaching Fundamentals™ program has received approval from the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) for 15 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) in the category of Prescribed* Credit. The Healthcare Peer Coaching Fundamentals training is for physicians, providers, and healthcare team members who […]

Physician coaching vs therapy: Coaching is a visioning process and moving into the future

in Physician Coaching Insights

A recent discussion with our current cohort centered on a question that comes up for many clinicians as they go through our coach training programs: how is the coaching process different than therapy? As a coach instructor, I always appreciate these thoughtful questions—and this topic comes up periodically in different contexts. For example, during our […]

A PCI Grad’s perspective on physicians and Imposter Syndrome

in Physician Coaching Insights

Cheers to PCI Grad Dr. Chris Miller, an internal medicine specialist with Gundersen Health System, a Board Certified-Addiction Medicine, and Certified Physician Development Coach.  Dr. Miller recently published her article in the Gundersen newsletter,  “The Vitals,”  on the topic of physicians and Imposter Syndrome. We are pleased to share her full article here. Will the […]

A PCI Grad shatters common myths about leadership

in Physician Coaching Insights

Congratulations to our PCI Grad, Amer Kaissi PhD, a certified executive and physician coach, professional speaker and an award-winning professor of Healthcare Administration at Trinity University, who recently published his new book, “Humbitious: The Power of Low-Ego, High-Drive Leadership”. Dr. Kaissi brings his years of experience as an executive coach together with extensive research to […]

Coaching physician fulfillment is about connecting to ‘inner authority’

in Physician Coaching Insights

I recently shared a reflection with our current cohort about coaching physicians using a process called Values Clarification. “With the Values Clarification Exercises you are learning to coach one of several structures/processes whose objective is to support client self-awareness. In a few weeks you’ll learn a structure for self-awareness about communication preferences, and then in […]
