
Physician Coaching resources: where to start with an internal coaching program

in Physician Coaching Insights

When developing coaching resources for an organization, starting with a pilot is a common approach.

Here are the three coaching offerings that we recommend, based on the experience of our graduates who serve as “internal coaches” in their organization.

1. Single coaching session: An “on request”session that of 30-45 minutes. For some physicians this might be the only time they see a coach. Especially during the last three years of COVID, having a coach available for a “coaching conversation” provides a supportive and safe space for physicians to bring any topic on their mind.

2. Semi-structured coaching programs for individuals: A short program of 6 sessions over three months, starting with a formal client kickoff. This short program arc typically will have a theme or focus, such as “living your core values” or “career fulfilment.”

A longer, more comprehensive coaching program will be about 16+ sessions over 6 months, also with a personal or professional development theme.

In either case, the coach partners with a physician/provider in a personal development process, using coaching tools that create self-awareness around values, strengths, and levers that create meaning.

3. Team or group coaching program: This is an effective approach that can provide benefits of coaching to more people. A typical group or team coaching program will be a monthly 90-minute group process over five months. The program will also typically have a theme such as “Colleagiality and Communication.” Team/group coaching may use some of the same tools and structures of individual coaching. Confidentilaity is always maintained and individuals are never “put on the spot.”

Learn more about this mulit-pronged approach to providing coaching resources as part of a Well-Being Initiative by viewing a short video at this link.
