Certified Healthcare Leader Peer Coach™

The Physician Coaching Institute is pleased to offer a coaching skills development program for a leadership cohort from a single healthcare organization. This 3-month training program equips leaders with specific coaching competencies and emotional intelligence skills that can improve morale, increase engagement, and foster inclusion among their team members.

Unlike typical classroom leadership courses that focuses on business, finance and operations, the Healthcare Leader  Peer Coach Certification program develops a coaching approach and emotional intelligence–-qualities that enable the leader to foster a culture of inclusion and transformation:

  • Leader as coach: Listens, connects, empowers, engenders trust
  • Leader as highest self: Is self-aware, other-aware and inspires engagement
  • Leader as partner: Fosters strengths, meaning and accountability

The Physician Coaching Institute is Accredited by the International Coach Federation

Learning Benefits for Leader Participants and the Organization

Personal and Professional Growth of the Participant:
  • Develop self-knowledge and learn to manage your impact on colleagues
  • Develop emotional intelligence for leadership effectiveness; this is the highest level of leadership
  • Learn specific coaching skills and techniques you can apply to multiple situations in the course of leading your teams and engaging with colleagues
  • Learn how to provide more specific and actionable feedback, as well as engage in more meaningful interactions with direct reports and peers
  • Integrate your new coaching skills with previous leadership training
  • Learn in a highly interactive and competency-based learning format; refine competencies through immediate and supportive feedback
  • Go beyond concepts and immediately apply practical skills every day in your role
Positive Impact For the Organization:
  • Leaders with greater self-awareness and proficiency in coaching communication are able to retain individual talent and foster best in team performance
  • Leaders with authentic presence and coaching competencies are able to develop the potential of others, leading to greater fulfillment among clinical colleagues
  • Having a “cadre of leader-coaches” within the organization who have acquired advanced leadership tools specifically for healthcare will have a more standard and research-supported approach to peer-to-peer engagement

Program Curriculum and Structure

The Healthcare Leader Peer Coach Certification™ program curriculum consists of eight Learning Modules across four Competency Areas:

Coaching EssentialsEmotional IntelligenceAuthentic InfluenceTeam Engagement
Module 1
Essentials of Coaching, ICF Core Coaching Competencies
Module 3
Self-Awareness: Understanding Hardwired Behavioral Style
Module 5
The Power of Acknowledgment
Module 7
Aligning Team Through Shared Values
Module 2
Coaching Fundamentals for the Leader: Powerful Questions
Module 4
Self-Management: "Flexing" Your Leadership Communication
Module 6
The Art and Preparation of Influence
Module 8
Inspiring through Inquiry and Intention

Language used:  English

Eligibility for Participation

Currently this training is offered only to health systems who are ready to commit 12 leaders to form a training cohort. The objective is not only to equip leaders with coaching skills, but for the cohort to form a peer-coach network to support each other. Furthermore, the cohort will be internal ambassadors for a coaching culture. The training is appropriate for a multidisciplinary cohort comprised of Physician, Nurse, Pharmacist, Psychologist, or other allied health professionals who are currently in a leadership role (e.g. Chief, Chair, Director, COO, CEO, CMO, CNO, CMIO, CNIO, Vice President, or Vice Chancellor).

A health system may also want to tap into their “sages”– those experienced clinicians who have earned the respect of their colleagues—to become internal peer coaches through this training.

Certification and CME

Participants complete a PCI Proficiency Portfolio throughout the course of the 3-month training. Successful completion leads to the Certified Healthcare Leader Peer Coach™ credential. Participants earn coaching hours credit applicable to an International Coach Federation credential. In addition, CME credit may available through the individual organization (TBD per prior arrangement).

Program Faculty

The Certified Healthcare Leader Peer Coach™ training program was developed by Francine Gaillour, MD, MBA, FACPE, Executive Director of the Physician Coaching Institute. The Physician Coaching Institute is accredited by the International Coach Federation and has been a provider of professional coach training since 2004.

Contact us to arrange an introductory meeting and explore how this proven coaching skills development program can catalyze your healthcare transformation efforts.

Register for an Information Webinar
